I am sitting with my two sweet furry babies beside me scrolling through Facebook when an article comes up with a picture of 2 young men who cut off a dog’s ears and posted it on Facebook. A bloody selfie. An overwhelming sadness came over me as I looked at my girls. I cannot imagine anyone hurting them. They have the sweetest gentlest eyes. I then started to wonder. How did their hearts get so dark? What happened to make them so cruel? How can we as a society do better? Can we intervene before the heart becomes dark?Is it about power? Do they feel powerless and feel the need to exert power over something that cannot fight back. Where is the joy in cruelty. I struggle so hard with this concept. It has kept me up at night… the trying to understand the why of inflicting pain on another. I hope these two young men are identified. I hope they are punished for what they did. I hope they go to jail. I also hope some sort of forced therapy can help them understand the depth of the depravity of their action. Perhaps then… their dark hearts might let a little light in.