Benefits galore await those adventurous pooches diving into the world of nosework! It’s like a combo platter of exercise, brain teasers, and a confidence boost. And hey, it’s not just a party for the dogs; their human pals get to join in, strengthening their bond to superhero levels.

Even dog shelters are hopping on the scent training train to keep their furry residents happy and ready for their forever homes. Plus, it’s a sneaky way to boost adoption rates – who can resist a nosework pro?

Ready to kick off the fun with your pup? Grab The Doggie Don’t device to correct during training and a stash of Doggie Dooze Treats for some top-notch rewards!

Here’s what you’ll need:

About six cardboard boxes

Some of your dog’s favorite treats

A 6-foot leash (minimum length)

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Remove your dog from the working area, which could be a room in your house or a fenced backyard. You don’t want your dog to see where you’re hiding the treats.
  • Lay out the boxes and bait at least half of them with a couple of smelly treats. Leave the boxes open and easily accessible to make it easier for your dog to find the goodies. The idea here is encouraging the dog to self-reward, a powerful incentive to continue the game.
  • Bring the dog into the working area and let them figure out where the treats are on their own. Allow your dog to freely eat treats from the boxes. You can offer praise while your dog is eating if it isn’t distracting.
  • Bait additional boxes as your dog is searching.
  • Remove the dog from the working area and allow them to rest for a few minutes. The dog does not have to find all the treats before resting.

Repetition is key in training sessions, with each round lasting a minute or two and totaling three to five rounds per session. Aim for at least six sessions before adding new challenges like closing boxes or changing their placement.

The world of sniffing adventures doesn’t just stop at nosework training for dogs; it’s a gateway to a whole new level of confidence and focus in everyday situations.