Furry Teachers: 10 Of The Best Things Our Pets Have Taught Us

More than pets, our furry companions have become our friends and families. We live for the days that are spent training and playing with them. But what we do not realize is that through their own little way, they have also become our teachers in life which is one of the many reasons why you should have a pet.

  1. Live an Active Lifestyle – Our playful pets do not seem to run out of energy. Constantly running around and playing, our pets inspire us to forgo the sedentary life and increase our physical activity.

Joining your dog for a run is a good way to start. This practice not only keeps us physically fit but also improves mental health.

  1. Eat Plenty of Protein – Cats have an exclusive high-protein diet, while a dog’s diet is closer to a human’s – requiring a balanced meal of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. So if you’re thinking of getting another piece of that cake, think of your furry friend instead.

They consume just the right amount of food required for their daily energy expenditure and they certainly stay away from chocolates.

  1. Follow Your Instincts – Animals rely on instinct to survive. Humans, on the other hand, tend to overthink and obsess over every single detail.

Our pets taught us to relax and trust our intuition. Listening to your gut feeling might be scary at first but in the long run, you will save a huge chunk of your time by focusing more on doing than on deciding.

  1. Express your Feelings – May it be a bark, a meow or a tweet, our pets never have a problem with communicating their thoughts and feelings. They tell us, in their unique way, whenever they are happy, excited, sad or scared.

So why don’t we do the same? Our pets inspire us to be open and unapologetic. Things would be much easier, there would be fewer misunderstandings, and the world would be a better place.

  1. Stop and Smell the Flowers – Your pets live in the moment and so should you. Their minds have never worried about the past or the future which gives them plenty of time to revel in the present.

We look to our furry friends for inspiration and example. Our day to day lives can be so hectic that we fail to appreciate the simpler things in life.

  1. Choose Your Friends – They say dogs can identify a good person from a bad one. Follow your dog’s example and stay away from toxic people who only stand to benefit from you. Keep a tight circle of friends who love and care for you just as your pet does.
  2. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously – Having fun and not caring about what others think of you

are another great lessons to take from our furry friends. All day long, they will play and run around the house without a care in the world.

Does a dog feel insecure about its teeth, or a cat, its fur? Of course not.

So why should you worry too much about how people perceive you? Sure, we all have a fear of being rejected and failing but don’t let it stop you from achieving great things.

  1. Be Fiercely Loyal – Treat your pet well and it will be with you for life. One of the greatest gifts pets give us is the gift of loyalty. At a time when relationships are fleeting and superficial, choose to be loyal to your friends and family.
  2. Don’t Lose Your Spunk – Courage is something not all of us have. If you’re in doubt, look no further than to your pet.

They face challenges head on and never give up. Just as a cat always lands on its feet, you too should stay strong and stand back up no matter how many times you fall.

  1. Love Selflessly There are no other creatures on earth that show us the unconditional love better than our pets. You may look at yourself thinking you’re not enough but your pet will think you are just perfect.

You could do terrible things and your pet will be there for you, come hell or high water. And isn’t that the definition of true love?

When loving yourself, your pets, and others, our pets taught us that there is only one right way to do it – unconditionally.

Whoever said experience is the best teacher must not have had a pet. Pets provide us with companionship, happiness, and in one way or another, life advice to live by…the list goes on.

It may not be evident right away, but our pets have provided us a blueprint for an ideal way of living. They live a life full of happiness and contentment, and we should all aspire to do the same.