Welcoming a new dog to your family can be an exciting endeavor. However, as a responsible pet owner it is your duty to choose a pet that will fit well with your lifestyle. Before making a decision, it is important to consider the age of your children, whether or not you have other pets in the home, and the overall energy level of your family. There is a right dog for every family but it may take time to find the best pooch for yours.

Living Situation

Do you live in a small apartment or a spacious condo? Does your home have a backyard or do you share common space with other tenants? Your living situation should play a direct role in the type of dog you choose. High energy breeds, such as Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, and Dalmatians, require significant space to run around. More laidback breeds, such as Pugs, Shih Tzus, and French Bulldogs, generally do well in smaller spaces like apartments.


Just like people, dogs have unique personalities. It is not always easy to detect a dog’s temperament which can make it difficult to make a decision. If possible, get to know the dog a little better by seeing how the pet interacts with you and your family. Choose a pet that has a temperament that will best suit your family. For example, if you have small, active children, a dog that is calm and not bothered by a little prodding may a great choice.

Care and Grooming

No matter what type of dog you choose, it will require regular care. However, some require more extensive grooming than others. Consider if your family will have time to care for a dog with high-maintenance needs, such as a pet with a long or curly coat. Some dogs are more prone to certain skin problems and other conditions that may increase the level of care needed. Make sure that your family has time to address these needs on an ongoing basis.


Dogs require consistent training to deter common behaviors such as barking, counter surfing, and leash aggression. When choosing a dog, consider how much training the pup will need and if you have the time and energy to provide this level of training. Know that there are a number of effective tools on the market designed to make training easier. The Doggie Don’t Device is one such audible tool designed to transform your dog into a well-behaved pooch. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Find what works for your dog and be loving and consistent

Size and Appearance

While the appearance of your dog is personal preference, the size of the animal should influence your decision. Some pups can weigh just a couple of pounds, making it easy to pick up and transport the animal. Others surpass the 100 pound mark, making the pup more difficult to control. While both big and small dogs can be excellent pets, you will want to consider the size of your home and family, your neighborhood, and similar factors.

Choosing a pet is a personal decision. Consider all aspects of your choice to help ensure you welcome the right dog to your family.