Dogs in particular are sensitive to our emotions.

They give us unconditional love and instinctively know when we are feeling sad and lonely.

Dogs make us responsible.

Having to be responsible and care for another living creature helps us to maintain good mental health. It gives us a sense of purpose.

Pets provide routine.

Dogs give you a reason to get out of bed every morning. They need to be fed and exercised and this adds structure to your daily routine.

Pets encourage socialization.

Going on a walk with your dog a great way to get some exercise and feel healthier. Your dog gives you a reason to go outside and interact with other pet owners.

Petting a dog can improve your mood.

Pets promote touch and research has shown that petting a dog can have a calming and relaxing effect. It increases oxytocin, a hormone that reduces stress and decreases levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.